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Direct Primary Care
Lisa M. — 5 star
"My husband and I dropped our health insurance after Obama Care more that tripled our plan costs, raised our deductibles to outrageous amounts and reduced coverage in many important areas. We couldn't even afford to see a Doctor after paying for our plan, let alone ever meeting the deductibles. So the search began.
I had read articles about Dr. Gross online and was excited at the possibilities of actually having true health care coverage without any hassles.
Epiphany Health has saved us over 15,000 and counting so far this year. We receive excellent care from Dr Gross and his team. Massive discounts for lab work and imaging , over $2000 savings today alone (which has spurred this review) excellent advice for savings on prescriptions (He saved me $900 on [a prescription] last week).
We are no longer worried and confused about whether or not our visit will be paid for on this day or that day. Whether or not we're going to have to pay up front and wait for insurance company to finally pay us back. The confusion has ended. I no longer feel like I need to hire an attorney and a accountant just to guide me through my policy plan.
This is one of the best financial decisions we've ever made. If you're sick of the nonsense and want a better way to manage your health care without the headaches and also want an awesome Doctor/ Patient relationship you can't go wrong joining The Epiphany Health Plan.
This idea of Dr. Gross' needs to go Nationwide because Americans are starving for simple Health Care solutions. I can not thank them enough for all that they do for us."
Shelby T. — 5 star
This has been a life saver for me. It has helped me take care of myself by making it affordable. Dr Crouch is very kind and knowledgeable. He always ask me about my kids and how things are in my life. He really seems to care about each of his patients. He helps me manage my diabetes and quickly addresses any concerns I have. I just wish this counted as minimum health insurance with the new healthcare laws. I am taking the penalties because I cannot afford the new plans through the Market Place even with a tax credit. I also would not want to give this up. Even with Epiphany if I need to have extra labs, x-rays, etc...It averages out about the same or less as health insurance co-pays with the discounts Epiphany can get on some services.
Joe R. — 5 star
Dr Gross is the best. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't be here. He noticed a spot on my ear and suggested I go to a dermatologist (Dr McDonnell in punts gorda). It turned out to be stage 4 Melanoma, a few surgery's including reconstructive surgery of my left ear and 3 1\2 years later and I'm still here. Also came to Florida on 8 prescriptions and he has me down to 2 prescriptions. Awesome guy thank saved my life! Thank you!
Bonnie R. — 5 star
Dr. Gross has been taking care of my family for over 10 years now and I would never switch to anyone else. He is the best. And his program of the Epiphany Health is the greatest. And I would highly recommend it for anyone. Everyone should check it out!!!!
Michael V. — 5 star
Dr gross is hands down the best most caring Dr I have been to in my life.... He treats my entire family.... As long as he is a Dr he will be my Dr....
Michael J. M. — 5 star
Dr. Gross and Dr. Crouch have set up a true gem in their community. Affordable primary care.
Rich S. — 5 star
For people who want top notch health care and an affordable plan consider Epiphany Heath. Dr Gross and Dr Crouch have developed an affordable health care plan that is easy to use. Please give them a call and inquire if it is right for you and your family.
Barbara — 5 star
I have been to Candice myself and so has my family and we all find her caring and thoughtful always. She really takes an interest in you. Can't recommend her high enough.